2020 CMEF · 上海 | 德国巴伐利亚州联合展台欢迎您!2020-10-02
2020年10月19 - 22日,第83届中国国际医疗器械博览会(CMEF)将在上海国家会展中心举行。届时,德国巴伐利亚州政府将携12家巴伐利亚州医疗领域相关企业联合参展。
BioCer Entwicklungs-GmbH
BioCer is a Germany (Bayreuth) based company which commercializes innovative technologies developed in conjunction with leading German Research Institutes and Universities, BioCer’s core technology is the development and production of plant based haemostatic materials for surgical use, as well the supply of synthetic mesh implants with biocompatible surface coating for hernia repair and breast reconstruction.
CAWO Solutions 总部位于德国巴伐利亚州施罗本豪森(Schrobenhausen)。该公司专注于生产干式打印机和干式胶片、数字化牙医用影像板、放射和防护配件。
CAWO Solutions is specialized in dry imaging printer and films, digital and dental imaging plates, radiographic and protective accessories.

Cisema GmbH
Cisema (Hongkong) Limited
Cisema 致力于为客户提供中国法规事务的整体解决方案,主要服务于医疗器械和体外诊断 (IVD) 产品制造商。公司设有11个办事处,聘用100名高素质员工,为世界各地医疗器械和体外诊断 (IVD) 制造商提供支持,帮助其产品在中国国家药品监督管理局 (NMPA) 获得市场注册,符合上市后的监管要求。
Cisema is a China regulatory affairs turnkey solution provider for medical device and IVD products. With eleven locations and one hundred highly qualified staff members, Cisema supports medical device and IVD manufacturers from all over the world obtain China NMPA market registration for their products and comply with postmarket surveillance requirements.
GMC-I Messtechnik GmbH
以安全为本的GMC-Instruments 集团是测量和测试仪器领域的领军企业,在电气安全、电动汽车和电池存储测试技术、医疗测试、能源管理、供电电源、电能质量和电源分析等方面独占鳌头。GMC-Instruments 拥有114多年的悠久历史,凭借为客户定制的解决方案、创新性的产品和服务而享誉全球。
Safety is elementary. GMC-Instruments Group is a leader in the field of measuring and test instruments and stands for electrical safety, test technology for E-Mobility and battery storages, medical testing, energy management, power supplies, power quality and mains analysis. GMC-Instruments is well known all over the world for customer-specific solutions, innovative products and services – over 114 years.
HEGA-Medical “清洁喷枪制造公司”,是一家德国生产商,为中央无菌供应室 (CSSD) 生产清洁喷枪和清洁设备。该公司的清洁喷枪在世界范围内广泛使用,主要用于医疗器械的预清洗和干燥。他们的产品运转时会使用水、去离子水和加压空气。易于安装和使用。
HEGA-Medical - “the cleaning gun company”. We are a German manufacturer of cleaning guns and cleaning equipment for the Central Sterile Supply Department (CSSD). Our cleaning guns are used worldwide for pre cleaning and drying of medical instruments. Our products run with water, deionized water and pressured air. Easy to install and to use.
HÖRTIG Rohrpost GmbH
作为一家全球领先的德国气动管道系统制造商,我们以高品质和持续创新而闻名。50 多年来,我们一直在帮助医疗机构优化其内部输送(例如实验室样本的运送)。我们始终考虑特定客户的个性化需求。
As a globally leading manufacturer of pneumatic tube systems from Germany we are well-known for high quality and permanent innovations. For more than 50 years we have been helping medical organizations to optimize their in-house transport (e.g. of lab samples). We always consider the individual demands of the specific customer.

IBA Dosimetry GmbH
IBA Dosimetry 是首屈一指的剂量测定解决方案提供商,致力于为医院和世界各地的行业合作伙伴提供创新、精确和高品质的设备。
IBA Dosimetry is the number one Dosimetry solution provider, dedicated to produce innovative, precise and high quality equipment for the use in hospitals and by industry partners worldwide.
ITD is a German-based, mid-sized engineering and manufacturing company of innovative, high-quality equipment carts and stationary mounts for medical technology. The modular structure of the building-block system allows ITD products to be tailored individually to all customer requirements.
该公司自 2003 年起以 "Rego X-Ray GmbH" 的公司名称进行营业,前身为 "Maschinenbau Kastl"(成立于1921年),以及 "REGO Gollwitzer Gmbh & Co. KG"(成立于1974 年)。几十年来,我们一直是医疗技术、OTC 产品、X 射线保护和放射性配件的可靠合作伙伴和供应商。
Our company is trading as "REGO X-Ray GmbH" since 2003 and came from the previous "Maschinenbau Kastl" (founded in 1921) and "Rego Gollwitzer GmbH & Co.KG" (founded in 1974). We have been a reliable partner and supplier for quality products for medical technology, otc products, x-ray protection and radiologic accessories for decades.

Rohde KG 是一家墙壁和天花板墙面涂料与特殊卫生涂料生产商,品质可达到最高要求。我们积累了40年的经验、实践知识,并参与了全球无数知名项目,确保了自身极高资质和可信度。我们的产品用于医疗保健行业,以及科学实验室和洁净室的各个区域。
ROHDE KG is a producer of wall-coverings and special hygienic coatings for walls and ceilings with high to highest demands. 40 years of experience, practical knowledge and numerous well know projects worldwide guarantee our high competency and reliability. Our products are used in healthcare sectors, various sectors of scientific labs, clean rooms.

SPINENDOS 致力于前沿创新的微创脊柱手术技术、系统和方法。为了跟上全球最新行业趋势,我们公司在为全球客户提供高品质服务和持续提供产品的同时,一直在努力开发全面综合的脊柱内窥镜产品。
SPINENDOS is dedicated to the latest innovation in minimal invasive spinal surgical techniques, systems and methods. To catch up to the latest global industry trends, our company has been developing fully comprehensive spinal endoscopic products with the support of high-quality service and constant process of production for our worldwide customers.
Valley Electronics GmbH
LADY-COMP 智能经期计算机是自1986 年以来在德国开发和制造的设备。这些设备采用全球领先的 NFP 技术,为女性提供一种舒适、完全无害和安全的高效避孕方法。产品的安全性已多次在公认的临床研究中得以证实。LADY-COMP 设备目前已销往 35个国家/地区,被全球数百万妇女成功使用。
The LADY-COMP cycle computers are devices developed and manufactured in Germany since 1986. They are the leading NFP technology worldwide that offer women an efficient birth control method, that is comfortable, completely harmless, and safe. Their safety has been repeatedly proven in recognized clinical studies. LADY-COMP devices are currently sold in 35 countries and successfully used by millions of women worldwide.